The books, tracts and study guides which are listed on this page are all available from Restoration Ministries. Some of these materials are available for downloading in PDF or html format. The others will be available soon. In the meantime, if you see an item listed which is not available for downloading, please call or write to us and we will be happy to send it to you.

Be sure to look at the books by A.T. Jones which we have recently added to the site (June 10, 2007). These books are of especial interest to those who wish to have a true biblical perspective on questions such as, what is the church? and, what are the true principles on which Christian church organization should be based.

Many Seventh-day Adventists have wondered about the circumstances and reasons under which A.T. Jones was separated from the SDA denomination. For a report of what really happened, right from "the horses mouth," be sure to read the booklets entitled, "Some History, Experience and Facts," and, "An Appeal for Evangelical Christianity."

There is also a list of articles, available for online reading, which, at the moment, deal with the following subjects:

Righteousness by faith
The Godhead
Does God Kill?
The Feast Days





The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy saying: “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” - 2 Timothy 2:15 We sincerely invite you to examine these truth-filled books listed here. These books are not designed in any manner to replace the study of the Scriptures, but rather, have been written to help the earnest Bible student to have a clearer understanding of God’s word.

All of these books are available in normal web html format and some are available in Adobe Acrobat© format for true wysiwyg reproduction.


Who is Telling the Truth About God?

Who is Telling the Truth About God give extensive evidence from the Scriptures regarding the doctrine of God. This is followed with comparative statements from Ellen G. White, the early Adventists pioneers, and contrasting statements from the present S.D.A. Church, independent ministries, and the Catholic Church. This is a great document for Bible reference and source material.

You may click here to read Who is Telling the Truth About God? in either html version or pdf version. (These links will open new browser windows.)


What did the Pioneers believe?

This 48 page book published by Smyrna Gospel Ministries is a compilation of quotes from Adventist Pioneers which reflect the unanimous position of the early Adventist Church concerning the doctrine of the Trinity. Many say that only some of the Adventist Pioneers didn't believe in the Trinity, when in reality none of the Adventist Pioneers believed in the doctrine of the Trinity. This documentation speaks loudly and clearly. This book was compiled by Lynnford Beachy.

The Printed version of this book is available from Smyrna Gospel Ministries for a suggested donation of $3.00 per copy. (Outside the U.S.A., the postage is extra.) Requests may be sent to: HC 64 Box 128 B, Welch, WV 24801 U.S.A.. You may also contact Brother Beachy via e-mail at:

You may click here to read What Did the Pioneers Believe? in either html version or pdf version. (These links will open new browser windows.)

Sodom and The Beast

Sodom and the Beast brings the reader face to face with a crisis developing in the world today. This book identifies the beast in the book of Revelation, it discusses the mark of the beast , the name of the beast and the number of his name. For indisputable Bible evidence on this important topic you must read Sodom and The Beast .

You may click here to download a pdf version. of this booklet.



Better Than You Think

Better Than you Think is a new book from Restoration Ministries which is an indepth presentation of the subject of Righteousness by faith. Some chapters of this book were previously published as articles in the Open Face Newsletter, but there is also new material and this is the first time that we have put all these thoughts together in one place. We believe this book will be a great blessing to all who sincerely seek to understand and to experience Christ our Righteousness as a living reality.

This book is not yet available in print but you may click here to download a pdf version. of this booklet.


Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock explains the unfolding mystery of God’s church. This book is the result of a sincere, earnest, and candid effort to explore the Biblical concept of the church. While the findings in this book are not agreeable to the popular institutional church groups, its message is of vital importance!

You may click here to read Upon This Rock in either html version or pdf version. (These links will open new browser windows.)

The Mystery Demystified

The Mystery Demystified examines the doctrine of God. Popular Christianity has declared that God is a Trinity, but is this what the Bible teaches? The difficulties in understanding this Trinity doctrine are explained away by declaring that the doctrine is a "mystery." This book takes an insightful look at the issue and presents the true biblical perspective presenting compelling evidence which makes it clear that the identity of God is not a "mystery."

You may click here to read The Mystery Demystified in either html version or pdf version. (These links will open new browser windows.)


The Broken Curse

Some of the greatest aspects of the plan of salvation are shrouded in mystery for many people. Very few understand why it was necessary for Jesus to die, in order for salvation to come to humanity. The popular belief is that God required a sacrifice before He could forgive. This unworthy concept has become deeply imbedded into Christian thinking and theology and has been a reason why many have turned from Christianity. This book, "The Broken Curse," provides deep insight into the question of why Jesus really had to die and what was accomplished when He died. After reading this book, your understanding of the wonderful plan of salvation will be changed forever.

You may click here to read or download The Broken Curse in pdf version. (link will open a new browser window.)








Christ Our Righteousness

This book presents a powerful presentation of the Righteousness of Christ and the plan of Salvation. Author E. J. Waggoner's Christ Our Righteousness reveals the Christ of the Scriptures and how knowing and appreciating the Saviour's love can help us to have victory over sin. Chapters include studies on the incarnation of Christ, the righteousness of God, faith, victory over sin, and other important topics. Waggoner writes, "Minister of the Gospel have an inspired warrant for keeping Christ continually before the people and directing the attention of the people to Him alone." Read this book and find out why thousands have been so blessed by it's message! 

Click here to read Christ Our Righteousness on line. (This link will open a new browser window.)

Steps to Christ

The title of the book tells its mission. It points the reader to Jesus Christ as the only one who is able to meet the needs of the soul. It directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the pathway of peace. It leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by step, along the way of Christian living, to that experience where he can know the fullness of blessing which is found in the complete surrender of self. It reveals to him the secret of victory as it unfolds in simplicity the saving grace and the keeping power of the Great Friend of all mankind.  

Click here to read Steps to Christ on line. (This link will open a new browser window.)

A.T. Jones

We have made these books by A.T. Jones available here online because we believe the message contained in them is not only revolutionary, but is critical for every Christian to understand. These books deal with the principle of Church organization in the light of Christ our Righteousness and unveil a perspective which very few understand.

From Babylon to New Jerusalem

The Greater Purpose

This is The Church

Some History, Experience and Facts

An Appeal for Evangelical Christianity



Welcome to the tract section of the Restoration Ministries web site. Jesus commands the believer to, “search the Scriptures.” Paul says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” We pray that the following truth-filled tracts will help you in your study of God’s holy word.  Each study-tract is listed below with a brief explanation of its contents. You may choose a study from the drop-down menu below.

The year 1888 is a year of significance for Seventh-day Adventists. In that year two young ministers brought a special message which contained the formula for revival to the church. Many believe that this message was never received by the SDA church. This tract looks briefly at the question of what was the essence of that message, and whether or not it was accepted by the church.

Are SDAs Advancing in The Light?
There is no doubt that several teachings of the Adventist church have been adjusted or changed since the beginning of the movement in 1844. Have these changes been positive or negative? This tract examines this question taking a close look at one doctrine in particular.

Demons in The Church
There is a supernatural force at work in many Christian Churches today. Christians have every right to expect God to work mightily among them. However, does this movement bear the hallmarks of a work of God. Is this the work of the holy spirit or are there "Demons in the church?"

How To Become a Christian
A brief outline of three basic and simple steps which a person needs to take in giving his life to Christ.

Is Jesus God’s Son?
Most Christians would answer yes to this question, but do they really mean what they say? This tract reveals that the majority of the Christian world do not really believe that Jesus is actually the Son of God!

Religious Deception
The greatest danger is that of religious deception. In this matter, everyone must be certain that he is taking the right path, for eternal life is involved. What is the greatest tool of religious deception today? This tract reveals the startling answer.

Satan’s Deadliest Lie
What lie of Satan strikes at the very heart of the Christian faith? What is this deadly lie which completely destroys the most vital elements of Christianity? This tract presents the answer in a simple way which is easy to understand.

The Sabbath
This is a reprint of the tract, "Why Not Talk To God About The Sabbath." It is basically a Bible study containing questions on the Sabbath with the answers being direct Bible quotes.

The Gospel of Love
A closer look at the gospel with an emphasis on how the love of God was displayed in the gift of His Son.

The Mark of The Beast
A brief, but thought-provoking look at the question of the Mark of the Beast, presenting evidences which reveal the beast’s identity and his mark.

The Truth About God
Is God a trinity? In spite of the fact that most of the Christian world believes that He is, this tract presents Scriptural evidence in defense of the position that He is not.

The Truth
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." What is this truth which sets men free? Can it be found within the walls of a denomination?

Who Died on Calvary?
The salvation of planet earth depends upon the identity of the One who was crucified on Calvary. Who was this person who claimed that He was the Son of God? Why is it important that we be certain of His identity?

Who Is The Antichrist?
Many people may be unhappy about the conclusions of this tract. However, the evidences presented are undeniable and clear, leaving little room for doubt as to the identity of the Antichrist.


Righteousness by Faith

We Can be Truly Free
John Wesley's Conversion
The Art of Water-Walking
The Issue of Original Sin
What is Sin?
What makes men Sinners?
The Nature of Sin
Without the Law
The Soul that Sinneth
The Work of a Lifetime
Answers and Clarifications
Righteousness by Faith
The Rest which Remains
Are you an Evolutionist?
Quotes to Ponder
Born of the Spirit
Questions ???
The Law of Heredity
Will babies be lost or saved?
Why the Sinner had to Die
Why Jesus had to Die
The Four Deaths
The two covenants
An accomplished reality
The meaning of the cross
The promise vs the law
The place of the word
Principles of Righteousness
Issues in Galatians
Christ's life in me





Life in Christ
An end of sins
The final atonement
Under the law
Two false gospels
Man's real problem
The nature of Christ
True freedom of choice
Issues in the controversy
Who needed a sacrifice?
Why was the Old Covenant given?
The everlasting Gospel
Why did Jesus never sin?
God's Last Name pt. 1
God's Last Name pt. 2
The Two Adams
The Broken Curse
The Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Nature of Righteousness
Forgiveness and Justice
The Bride of Christ
The Source of Sin
Fully Human, Fully Divine
With Open Face
Facts About Faith
The Power of Jesus' Name


The Godhead Issue

Was It Really God's Son Who Died?

Let's Face Facts

Should SDAs Be Worried?

Trinity Doctrine Undermines The Gospel

I Will Be Like The  Most High

Historical, Biblical Or Papal Adventists?

Why Elijah Must Come

The Difference With The Godhead Message

Did Jesus Know His Own Identity?

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Roots of The Trinity




Is The Gospel Trinity-based?

Trinitarian Confusion

Did God Have A Son To Give?

Understanding The Issues

The Paradox Of Michael

Some Facts Concerning The Omega

The Divinity Of Christ

The Measure of God's Love (Part 1)

The Measure of God's Love (part 2)

Why We Must Think Rightly About God

Where Is The Third Person?

Does God Kill?

The Issues

Fundamental Questions

No Marvel

Some Scripture References

Ellen White Quotes

The Feast Days

Should Christians Observe the Feast-days?

Issues in Galatians




Our lesson Study Guides are intended to help home churches establish a Sabbath School format of study. We hope you'll find these lessons spiritually uplifting, scriptural and informative. We hope they will also be a valuable asset in establishing solid Bible truths!!

God of the Bible - html | pdf

The Son and the Spirit of God - html | pdf

Daniel - html | pdf